After my assignment from Dad and all my nagging ... the first newsleter to Ben is complete. I promised everyone that I'd send them copies but this is so much better. Hope everyone likes how it turned out. Thanks for still loving me after all the badgering.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I was just browsing back through my 'many' old posts and realized that I hadn't said anything about Family Vacation 2009. I don't know if I need to go into to many details as everyone else in my family has already written about it. So, short and simple here we come.
Prior to the departure, the family decided to go river rafting. This adventure led to two of the three rafts popping which resulted in Michelle and I walking/swimming/rolling down the river. You will not be surprised to learn there is no picture of this event. Good thing no one had a camera as they would have all been destroyed by the 'perilous' river.
The actual vacation took place on the Oregon Coast. Mom loves the Oregon Coast so we go to the Oregon Coast ... a lot. We rented a house in Depot Bay and brought the sun with us.
Visited the Sea Lion Caves ... I cannot adequetly express how smelly they were.
Stopped at Devil's Churn ... how can you pass up a place with a name like that?
Spent a lot of time on the beach
Had a photo shot with the newest niece. Look at all this talent ... me with my camera and Adelyn with her adorable mug.
Aside from being seriously bruised and sore from the river incident and Elizabeth not being able to make it, it was a pretty fun vacation ... an excellent sendoff for Benjamin.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
I did not want my favorite holiday to pass quietly into the night without me expressing my love for this wonderful dress-up day. I got to do a lot a makeup and I'll upload a picture of Jadyn's Cat Ballerina as soon as Kathryn releases it from her clutches. I was a harlequin for the night of festivities and had quite a wonderful time building my 'mask'. I hope that everyone enjoyed their own disguisable night ... I added another picture after the great poem, themed to Halloween, so that everybody could see just how high this southern girl got her hair.
THE DANCE OF DEATH by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
THE warder looks down at the mid hour of night,
On the tombs that lie scatter'd below:
The moon fills the place with her silvery light,
And the churchyard like day seems to glow.
When see! first one grave, then another opes wide,
And women and men stepping forth are descried,
In cerements snow-white and trailing.
In haste for the sport soon their ankles they twitch,
And whirl round in dances so gay;
The young and the old, and the poor, and the rich,
But the cerements stand in their way;
And as modesty cannot avail them aught here,
They shake themselves all, and the shrouds soon appear
Scatter'd over the tombs in confusion.
Now waggles the leg, and now wriggles the thigh,
As the troop with strange gestures advance,
And a rattle and clatter anon rises high,
As of one beating time to the dance.
The sight to the warder seems wondrously queer,
When the villainous Tempter speaks thus in his ear:
"Seize one of the shrouds that lie yonder!"
Quick as thought it was done! and for safety he fled
Behind the church-door with all speed;
The moon still continues her clear light to shed
On the dance that they fearfully lead.
But the dancers at length disappear one by one,
And their shrouds, ere they vanish, they carefully don,
And under the turf all is quiet.
But one of them stumbles and shuffles there still,
And gropes at the graves in despair;
Yet 'tis by no comrade he's treated so ill
The shroud he soon scents in the air.
So he rattles the door—for the warder 'tis well
That 'tis bless'd, and so able the foe to repel,
All cover'd with crosses in metal.
The shroud he must have, and no rest will allow,
There remains for reflection no time;
On the ornaments Gothic the wight seizes now,
And from point on to point hastes to climb.
Alas for the warder! his doom is decreed!
Like a long-legged spider, with ne'er-changing speed,
Advances the dreaded pursuer.
The warder he quakes, and the warder turns pale,
The shroud to restore fain had sought;
When the end,—now can nothing to save him avail,—
In a tooth formed of iron is caught.
With vanishing lustre the moon's race is run,
When the bell thunders loudly a powerful One,
And the skeleton fails, crush'd to atoms.
Check it out ... it was at least 4 inch from the top of my head. I'll also be sure to smile more in my next round of pics.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I don't have to much to talk about ... I've been incredibly under the weather. Maybe next week after the Baria Family Vacation ... lots of good stories will be made. I was unable to get, on video, Cooper stalking Harvey but my dad (I think) sent me this one. I laughed for hours.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
They got me ... Mom and Dad with their speedy typing fingers. They warned me that they would beat me in putting up another post ... what kind of weird followthrough is that. While they were toiling away in Alaska (aren't they super cute):
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Now, while I am very excited to have Cooper (and Kathryn is crazy stalker excited that I have Cooper ... she texts me daily to find out how he is), not everyone is adjusting quite so quickly. This little guy just can't seem to get thru to Eddie (the feet and tail of this picture) about how relaxed and groovy he really is.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Maybe my resolution for the new year was do or meet something blog-worthy every week. Thank you to Becca, Aaron, and Adelyn for the help in starting this project off right. And to keep things moving ... this dog person finally got herself a puppy. He has decided his name is Cooper. Yes - it is a city in Texas to keep with that Baria tradition ... and one of my coolest aunts last name. He's not the Rhodesian Ridgeback that I'm longing for but he won't need the yard I don't have ... being a Shih-Tzu/Yorkie mix. Next up ... my Ridgeback.
Here's the little cutie now.
My amazing roommate, Sidse, who loves to help me play.
Next on her list, getting her puppy ... yeah!
The first night is scary but I think he's doing fine
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Shocking ... but I''m writing again. Or really just uploading some pictures that I thought everyone would enjoy. You might understand why I was missing my camera with all this cuteness to document.
She started out asleep ... and slept and slept and slept and ...
Sweet ... Jadyn just needed a little adjustment time and maybe some food.
I laugh for everytime I see this one ...
"I'll get you, my pretty" just keeps running through my head!
Jadyn was sooo hoping that the baby would be 'chocolate' like her.
What do ya say? Adelyn is very close!
This baby sure can sleep ... a precious moment.
This has got to be my favorite picture.
Nothing sweeter than my papa surrounded by all the loveliness.
The baby is awake. She goes from 0 to alert in .2 of a second.
I like to think that she's asking herself what is going on with her uncle's hair.
Like I said ... alert! I think she got tired of all the flashes.
And now I know she did. Just a little piece of heaven.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
I know that two posts ... in a row ... will probably cause most of you to go into shock but THE BABY IS HERE. Today we welcomed Adelyn Mei Anderson into the world at 8 lbs 14 ozs and 20 inches. Here are a few pictures to get you through the rough spots until you can meet this gorgeous new member of my family.
She's got great eye contact