Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I was just browsing back through my 'many' old posts and realized that I hadn't said anything about Family Vacation 2009. I don't know if I need to go into to many details as everyone else in my family has already written about it. So, short and simple here we come.

Prior to the departure, the family decided to go river rafting. This adventure led to two of the three rafts popping which resulted in Michelle and I walking/swimming/rolling down the river. You will not be surprised to learn there is no picture of this event. Good thing no one had a camera as they would have all been destroyed by the 'perilous' river.

The actual vacation took place on the Oregon Coast. Mom loves the Oregon Coast so we go to the Oregon Coast ... a lot. We rented a house in Depot Bay and brought the sun with us.

Visited the Sea Lion Caves ... I cannot adequetly express how smelly they were.

Stopped at Devil's Churn ... how can you pass up a place with a name like that?

Spent a lot of time on the beach

Had a photo shot with the newest niece. Look at all this talent ... me with my camera and Adelyn with her adorable mug.

Aside from being seriously bruised and sore from the river incident and Elizabeth not being able to make it, it was a pretty fun vacation ... an excellent sendoff for Benjamin.